Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A tale of 3000 Kms, 8 days, 3 states and 2 bikes – Day1

It all started when one of my friends had an idea of going for a long ride for Christmas break. Applied for leave, got it too, but my friend couldn't make it. I was looking for a ride and I absolutely hate sitting at home with nothing to do. Started checking with friends on their availability. Now my friend Lohith had leaves and we decided to ride together and started planning 3 days before the ride on places to cover. We had already plans made of meeting with YRC guys in Valparai and ride back with them to Bangalore. So the plan that we stated working on was
Leave on 23rd : Gokarna
24th, Bekal fort
25th, Kochi,
26th, Pollachi and meet up with YRC group and return to Bangalore on 29th.
Now Lohith informed that he could leave on 22nd, one day earlier than the plan and we decided to include Kanyakumari in the route plan.We thought we were optimistic about the  places we had decided to cover but went on with the plan deciding to modify the routes on the fly depending on the fatigue levels. But we ended up doing more than we planned which is a different story which will be revealed in the later posts. The maps image for places covered is below

Now that the route was finalized, it was time to buy stuff and get the bikes ready and we had very little time, but we managed it somehow. Plan was to meet up at Hebbal junction at 4:15 and leave from there. I reached at 4:10. Lohith who usually is on time was not to be seen. Pinged him and waited. Finally he showed up at 4:45 and apologized for the delay which was due to his new tank bag and  he forgot his wallet at home (It must be age taking toll on him ). We started heading towards Tumkur road and stopped for tea at Tumkur road toll gate. I cant start my day without tea and frequent tea breaks will be a part of the log. This was first long ride for both of us, though I have done it to an extent, for Lohith it was new and I felt that he was a little scared when we stopped for tea. Gave him few suggestions and a pep talk and we headed out on our beautiful journey on the smooth roads.

Reaching Sira took no time and we stopped for a cup of tea. It was cold, my teeth were chattering and we gladly took the liberty of finding warmth shamelessly in the fire some guy was lighting up . We took a few snaps, mainly of our companions, my CBR and Lohith’s Duke,  who were posing like super models in the nice orange background from the rising sun.



Warmed up, we started our journey towards the city of forts, Chitradurga, reaching which again on the smooth 6 lane roads, looking at the amazing colors worn by the morning sky was a breeze. If you are going on this road, a must take pic is of the wind mills lined up. So did we, a stop to capture these beautiful windmills was mandatory any way .


Now we were deciding on place to have breakfast. Both of us were hungry, and we decided to eat at a place which we find on the way ahead. We found a Kamath restaurant which unfortunately was closed. In the line up of never ending dhabas on the way, we finally found a decent looking place, had out tummy full of idlies and omelets. We had to take a diversion after Ranibennur and we took the state highway towards Sirsi. This was a single lane road with some bad potholed stretches. Even with the bad roads, the ride was amazing getting in and out of forests. Going into shade from burning hot sun who apparently wanted to see us sweat it out to reach our destination, abruptly braking for the pothole that seemed to appear from thin air, soaking in all the beauty nature had to offer, we continued riding only to stop at a beautiful lake.


It was mid noon and we were sweating like crazy and being fully geared up did not help. We continued our journey and stopped for lunch by 2pm. Now Lohith was getting ideas. Ideas of going to Jog falls (Its only 60 kms from here dude), lets go to Yana and stuff like that. May be the heat was acting up on him giving him some ideas . I shot down the idea of Jog as at this point of time, even my bathroom tap can beat the falls in the amount of water competition . I was considering Yana at the back of my mind, but the road condition got me worried on getting late to Gokarna. I said no to both the ideas which made him feel sad I guess.
We headed out back in the scorching heat towards Gokarna. Now on the way I saw the diversion towards Yana. I stopped and asked Lohith if he wants to go see Yana and from the look on his face I could see that the answer was a big yes. With fuel levels low, we had to find a source of petrol within say 120 Kms, but on the way to Yana, I saw a board which said you will reach Gokarna in 70kms if you go straight .  One stone, 2 birds and we trotted happily in the dense forest filled roads, enjoying the peace and pin drop silence which only would be broken by chirping birds. The roads were curvy and we had fun till we reached a point where the roads just disappeared. For the next few kms, it was a motocross circuit and we had fun. The icing on the cake was the cheer from school kids (actually there were like thousands of them on educational trip) when ever they saw us.

We reached the parking spot from where the trek to Yana rocks begin. Now one gentleman showed us a side entry and suggested to take the bikes down  and would we miss an off roading chance? Never, and so we decided to ride it out to the bottom. The roads were full of rocks and in the hoards of walking people, few cheering, few laughing at our madness, we reached a point where Lohith asked me to stop. He felt that the slope was turning steeper and it will be difficult on the way back. I was reluctant to turn back, but we stick together in a group and respect each others thoughts. So we turned back and headed to the gate again.



From here Gokarna was 40Kms and it was around 4:30. So hoping for good roads, we set off. We were greeted by the most amazing roads we had seen after leaving the highway after Ranibennur. I was happy, leaned in into a smooth wide corner and poof, road disappears! Its all gravel and unpaved rocks which I could see as far as my vision goes. I was not happy, it was a ghat section completely unpaved and we had to really concentrate not slip and break our bones in the gravel. After what seemed to be an eternity, some patches of roads appeared and we found ourselves looking at the most amazing view of the day.



From here the roads were good and we made to the base of the hills in good time. Few snaps were clicked, few kids were spoken to and yeah, Lohith was asked not to click his photo by one of the kids in almost a threatening manner



We made to our destination Gokarna by 6:30 and we had to find a place to stay. Since it was vacation time, we had a tough time going from resort to resort and finally ended up finding a place in out 5th attempt. The rooms were good and the price quoted was 1200 which was ok for a sea facing room. Freshened up and found a place to eat. Nothing can beat food and a bottle of chilled beer when it comes to ending a day which was full of action, both on road and off road. It was time to hit bed looking up to a fun filled tomorrow waiting to hit the serene beaches of Gokarna to see the rising sun and head out towards our next destination, Bekal.

Day 2 log is here
Day 3 log is here
Day 4 log is here

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