Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A tale of 3000 Kms, 8 days, 3 states and 2 bikes – Day4

Today was the last day in Kerala, known as gods own country, and I truly love this state for the unadulterated natural beauty it offers. It may have congested roads, but all this can be forgotten by a mere look at one of its rivers! And today that was what we had in plate too. We had plans of visiting the famous boat house and head out to Kanyakumari.

As usual, we started early and headed straight to the famous boat house station. I stood mesmerized, speechless, thoughtless for a few moments looking at the serene and calm back waters, the majestic house boats gracefully floating away into the distant rising sun. Let the pictures speak and truly the beauty of this place is unmatched.

I was having an odd sense of achievement and somewhere somehow was feeling very emotional at this place. We were reluctant to leave, but the fear of having to ride in the dreaded roads forced us and we had to head out from this beautiful place.

Did I mention about Lohith having not brushed his teeth for last 3 days and finally buying a toothbrush in the morning! Yes, here is the pic of the magic stick that saved me from suffocation for the rest of the ride.

So off we started, back to the NH-47 which had already squeezed the last drops of patience out of us in the previous two days. Traffic was again high, the normal routine of following some slow moving traffic, trying to overtake, falling back and riding at slow pace continued. I was praying for this torture to end, and I knew that roads in Tamilnadu would be better. I wanted to get out of Gods own country as soon as possible.

As we started nearing TN, the roads started getting a little wider and a little traffic free, and finally at 1:30pm, we entered TamilNadu.

The scenic roads allowed us to cruise easily and we were nearing Kanyakumari. I was happy, last visit to Kanyakumari was in my schooling days and I was waiting to see the sunset. As we approached Kanyakumari, I saw a board indicating direction for Kanyakumari as right, so I took the right. Lohith went straight and he was signalling to another signboard which said road to Kanyakumari is straight ahead. I was confused, and being the lazy bum I am, I asked Lohith to come join me and we decided to take the right turn.

Boy, the best award laziness has ever brought me! the roads were 4 laned, super smooth and nothing like we had seen in the last 2 days and there was no one even in sight in the road, let alone traffic. I stopped and slept on the road, hugging it, asking the 4 laned roads to never leave me and become single lane. After monkeying around for a bit,we headed on in lookout for room to stay. Being the holiday season, we had very tough time, and finally found a very good room which was cheaper than all the places we had stayed till now.

Dumped all the luggage, freshened up and after a hearty lunch, we decided to head towards sunset point. As usual, it was very crowded, and I decided that the best place to catch sunset without people was at the seashore below. We had to climb down a steep ledge, and as they say, grass is greener on the other side, the place was stinking of shit. People had happily offloaded their stuff and we had to run away, far far away from there, and I could still hear Lohith cursing under his breath.

It was time, the golden hour had come and we soon were busy clicking pic after pic.

The light house

View from the road of the sea.

A deserted boat, for some variety.

The setting sun.

Now these were real interesting people.  They not only asked the price of my DSLR, they wanted me to take a pic of them which I did.Showed them the pic, they happy, me happy. But wait, they were like give us the print! I was wondering WTF is this now. I said this is a camera and not printer, they were clearly not happy and walked away commenting on the camera being pricey but still cant print a pic.

Guys if you are reading this by any chance, take the print out of your pic

The Tiruvalluvar statue.

The boat strikes again.

Mahatma Gandhi memorial.

We headed out, having fun walking in the sea of people. Clicking pics of interesting things, and this happened. Lohith wanted to snap the pic of a roadside vendor selling sea shells. The lady was pissed off and started foul mouthing him in Tamil. I was having a blast laughing at all the abuse being hurled at him and snapped a photo for memory of this moment.

Satisfied, headed for dinner. We met this family of four, 2 kids and parents who were from Bangalore. Had a small chit chat, and the uncle was surprised that we had come all the way from Bangalore on bikes! Are you guys crazy!? Was the exact reaction from him and when we told him about the trip we had done so far, he stopped talking to us and turned towards his family. I think he was concerned about his son listening to our story and finally end up following us.

Headed back, discussing on what we had done. We both were happy that we had reached southern most tip of India and since past 4 days we had done what we love! We were living our lives and we went to sleep with a wonderful feeling of accomplishment.

Day 5 log is here

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